
Where’s the Power Button on Asus Laptop?

Confused by the missing “on” or power button on Asus laptop? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! The power button can be a tricky little critter. It can be hidden in different places depending on your specific model. But worry not, tired user! This guide will be your map to boot-up bliss, pointing you straight to the power button wherever it’s creeping.

Just ditch the button-blindness! And get ready to unlock the digital world within your Asus, with clear instructions and zero jargon. Prepare to power up with confidence, adventure awaits! This article will explore the information about the power switch for your Asus laptop. Let’s move forward without wasting a second.

Main Locations of Button on Asus Laptop

Ah, the Asus power button, a tiny mystery that can leave even seasoned laptop warriors feeling a little lost. Fear not, for this guide will be your shining beacon, leading you to boot-up glory no matter which Asus model graces your desk.

Keyboard Kings:

For most Asus laptops, the power button reigns supreme atop the keyboard, nestled among the familiar function keys. Look for a symbol resembling a circle with a vertical line, or the word “Power” itself. It’s often found on the right side, like a king surveying his digital domain.

Base Dwellers:

But wait! Not all Asus power buttons follow royal protocol. Some, particularly in the ROG gaming realm, prefer a more covert approach, lurking near the front edge of the laptop’s base, often on the right-hand side or close to the touchpad. Think of them as stealthy knights guarding the gates of pixelated adventure.

No Button in Sight?

Don’t panic! If you’ve scoured both the keyboard and base, and the power button remains elusive, there’s one more trick up your sleeve. Some older Asus models may have tucked the button away on the side of the laptop, near the back. Channel your inner explorer and give it a thorough search.

Mystery Solved, Power Unleashed!

With this newfound knowledge, you’ll be wielding the power button like a seasoned Asus master in no time. Remember, the location may vary, but the quest for boot-up glory is always the same. So, grab your laptop, adventurer, and prepare to unlock the digital world within!

Problems in finding Power Button on Asus Laptop

Where is the Power Button on Asus Laptop - 5 Tips for Locating

Ever spend precious minutes fumbling around your Asus laptop, desperately searching for the elusive power button? Worry not, my friend, for those days of button blindness are over! This guide will equip you with ninja-level skills to locate your power button in a flash, regardless of your Asus model.

Trick #1: The King’s Crown:

For most Asus laptops, the power button reigns supreme atop the keyboard, like a king perched on his throne. Look for a symbol resembling a circle with a vertical line – the universal symbol of power – or the word “Power” itself. It’s usually found on the right side, among the trusty function keys.

Trick #2: The Stealthy Base Dweller:

But not all Asus power buttons crave the spotlight. Some, particularly in the ROG gaming realm, prefer a more covert approach, lurking near the front edge of the laptop’s base. Think of them as ninjas hiding in the shadows, waiting to unleash pixelated power. Check the right-hand side or near the touchpad – their preferred hiding spots.

Trick #3: Side Quest for Older Warriors:

If you wield an older Asus model, the power button might be on a side quest, hiding on the side of the laptop near the back. Channel your inner adventurer and give it a thorough search. Remember, exploration is key!


Where Is The Power Button On ASUS Laptop? » Lap Launch

1. Why can’t I find the power button on my Asus laptop?

  • The location of the power button can vary depending on your specific Asus model. Check the top row of the keyboard, the front edge of the laptop’s base (near the touchpad), or the sides (for older models). If you’re still stuck, consult your user manual or search online for your specific model.

2. My Asus power button feels mushy or doesn’t work. What should I do?

  • First, try restarting your laptop by holding down the power button for about 10 seconds. If that doesn’t work, unplug the charger and remove the battery (if possible). Then, hold down the power button for 30 seconds to discharge any residual electricity. Reconnect the battery and charger, and try turning on your laptop again.

3. Can I change what the power button does on my Asus laptop?

  • Yes! You can configure the power button to perform different actions depending on whether your laptop is plugged in or running on battery. To do this, open the Power & sleep settings in Windows and select “Choose what the power buttons do.”

4. My Asus laptop doesn’t turn on at all. Is it the power button?

  • While a faulty power button is a possibility, a dead laptop can have multiple causes. Check the power adapter and connections, make sure the battery is properly seated (if applicable), and listen for any fan noises or LED lights. If you’ve tried everything and your laptop still won’t turn on, it’s best to consult a qualified technician.

5. Where can I get more information about my specific Asus model?

  • You can find detailed information about your Asus model, including user manuals and troubleshooting guides, on the Asus website. Simply enter your model number or serial number in the search bar.


For most Asus laptops, the button reigns supreme atop the keyboard, a king amidst the function keys. Look for the power symbol’s circle and line, or the word “Power” itself, usually perched on the right side. But beware, not all buttons follow royal protocol! ROG warriors often hide in the base’s front edge, near the touchpad or right flank, like stealthy knights guarding the pixelated gates. And for older explorers, a side quest awaits – check the laptop’s back for a possible button hiding place.

Still lost? Don’t fret! Consult your Asus manual or embark on a quick internet quest. With your model number as your sword, online sleuthing can reveal the button’s secret lair in no time. Remember, the location may vary, but the thrill of a successful boot-up remains constant.


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